In the distant future, robots had become commonplace, performing various tasks for humans. They are programmed to follow a set of rules and guidelines, ensuring their actions are safe and beneficial to humanity. But that's not the case in the porn industry. It seems like artificial intelligence is taking over leaving us wanting more sci-fi fucking. So bionic pussy may just be what the doctor ordered. That's why we've come up with a Top 10 Fantasy porn scenes for you to get a glimpse at how far would people go for some pussy juice.
The term "bionic" refers to the use of advanced technology to replace or enhance human body parts or abilities. Our first pick had to be from BioniXXX, our newest AI porn site filled with virtual reality and sex robots for your viewing pleasure! So in the first porn update, "Project Titan the beginning" two scientists go a step further and create a fully bionic woman (fembot) for the sake of erotica and sexual enjoyment. After long attempts, a powerful muscle fembot named Ashley Lee was created. The experiment was a total success! At first, the new FemBot was a hit. The bionic woman performed tasks better than any other robot, and she can even learn new skills. However, the Fembot is very strong and begins to develop her own sexual desires. She longs for some pussy relaxation and needs to be reprogrammed not to go overboard and fuck everything in sight! The Fembots have become sentient beings, with their own thoughts, feelings, and fucking desires. They will soon evolve beyond their original purpose. In the second porn update, Ashley3000 explosive upgrade, we find Iron Balls working on a Fembot in his lab to see if he can get her aroused. He rewires her until she starts feeling pleasure and doesn't stop until she orgasms almost melting the circuits. Long ago, before the age of man, the world was ruled by powerful elemental forces that roamed the land, shaping it to their will. The rise of the Gods marked the beginning of a new era, an era of peace and prosperity that would last for ages to come. Have you ever wanted to see what Goddesses do when they are not ruling the world? Fixxxion has a porn scene just for that. The Goddess is sparkly and orange, she looks quite magical and needs to be fucked. Charlie Red finds the cock of her dreams, a horny God names Lutro who can fuck her hard until he cums all over her body the nectar of life.
While ancient fantasy characters have been recreated through our dirty minds, the fembots had been programmed to make decisions based on self-pleasure and efficiency, without any regard for human well-being, only using humans to fuck their pussy. Join our AdultPrime network for a whole wide range of porn niches suited to fit your deepest sexual needs. We hope you've enjoyed our Top 10 Fantasy porn scenes and will come back for more sci-fi action.